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Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH (RPLYT) is proud to offer a fun, interactive learning tool, designed to help understand the experience of navigating the complications and challenges in today’s mental health system.


The Hamster Wheel game was developed and tested by people and professionals with lived experience in the world of mental health; the good, the bad and the ugly.


The Hamster Wheel is designed to be effective with both small groups and in larger ‘conference’ settings of up to 40 people.


Why play?

  • Just as rehabilitation students gain insight into the experience of physical disability by using wheelchairs, people who play the Hamster Wheel can experience what it is like to be in the mental health system.

Who should play?

  • Mental health professionals, administrators, police, politicians, business owners, managers, friends, family members, teachers, students

Actually - Anyone and Everyone

How does it work?

The Hamster Wheel starts by delivering a diagnosis. You’ll then move through the mental health system and life, while gaining or losing points. Learn why sometimes the system works, or doesn’t, and how you can better navigate the steps required.


The Goal: fully understand the challenges of those dealing with mental health issues, the mental health system….. And how it can feel like a never-ending run on a Hamster Wheel.


The Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH materials are also fully integrated with mental health and addictions.



The Hamster Wheel Game

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