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To fulfill your service requests for products or services;

·       To protect ourselves, our customers or our vendors from liability, or to defend our rights, including investigations of fraud or misconduct;

·         To third parties who have agreed in writing to maintain such information in confidence and use such information solely in performance of services to us;

·         To respond to legal process or comply with law, including subpoenas;

·         To entities under common ownership or control with us or to our owners; or

·         In connection with a merger, acquisition or liquidation of the company.

How do I withdraw my consent?
If after you opt-in or after having not initially taken an opportunity to opt-out, you change your mind, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at any time, by contacting us at

Do Not Track
We have not implemented any technology that would effectively recognize do-not-track signals and note that some content available on our website is made available through relationships with third party providers who we do not control, and who may have collect and/or disclose personally identifiable information.


Changes to this Privacy Policy
Robyn Priest  LIVE YOUR TRUTH has the discretion to occasionally update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we will also revise the updated date at the top of this Privacy Policy page. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy statement to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. Your continued use of this service constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates.

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