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the chief optimist for better futures


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John Melnick is not only a survivor but a thriver.  Having attempted to take his own life in September of 2002 by walking into the red river in his business suit, John understands a thing or two about successful and gainful recovery.  He spent 30 years in the Financial Industry as a successful business man and has since become a passionate advocate for all things mental health related.  He works tirelessly to educate on and support people with mental illness.

John has received awards and recognition from various organizations, most of which have been while he has been on his recovery journey; proof that you CAN achieve the life you want despite your mental health challenges.  He has been elected the president of the Winnipeg West Rotary Club, received the Hero of Mental Health Award from CMHA in 2011 and the Helping Hands Hope Award from the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba in 2017, among others.  John is a trusted and well respected friend to those who are lucky enough to know him.

John’s vision is to see all people speak about Mental Health Issues as freely and easily as they speak about physical health issues.

John currently lives with his wife of 32 years, Jan and their Sheltie dog, Bling.

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